In 1797, English scientist Henry Cavendish measured the strength of gravity with a contraption made of lead spheres, wooden rods and wire. In the 21st century, scientists are doing something very similar with rather more sophisticated tools: atoms.
1797年,英国科学家伯特·卡文迪什(Henry Cavendish)用由铅球、木棍和铁丝构成的精致设备测量了万有引力定律。在21新世纪,专家已经用原子这类更繁杂的方式做相近的试验。
Gravity might be an early subject in introductory physics classes, but that doesn’t mean scientists aren’t still trying to measure it with ever-increasing precision. Now, a group of physicists has done it using the effects of time dilation—the slowing of time caused by increased velocity or gravitational force—on atoms. In a paper published online today (Jan. 13) in the journal Science, the researchers announce that they’ve been able to measure the curvature of space-time.
The experiment is part of an area of science called atom interferometry. It takes advantage of a principle of quantum mechanics: just as a light wave can be represented as a particle, a particle (such as an atom) can be represented as a “wave packet.” And just as light waves can overlap and create interference, so too can matter wave packets. In particular, if an atom’s wave packet is split in two, allowed to do something, and then recombined, the waves might not line up anymore—in other words, their phases have changed.
atomic /əˈtɑːmɪk/ adj.原子的;
measure /ˈmeʒər/ vt.测量;
curvature /ˈkɜːrvətʃər/ n.弯折;弯曲一部分;折射率,弯度;
spacetime /ˈspeɪstaɪm/ n.时光;
strength /streŋkθ/ n.能量;
gravity /ˈɡrævəti/ n.万有引力定律;地球引力;
contraption /kənˈtræpʃn/ n. 奇特设备,最新发明;
lead /liːd/ n.铅;
sphere /sfɪr/ n.圆球;
rod /rɑːd/ n.棒,杆;
wire/ˈwaɪər/ n.铁丝,金属丝;
atom /ˈætəm/ n.原子;
introductory /ˌɪntrəˈdʌktəri/ adj.新手入门的;
ever- 始终,不断;
precision /prɪˈsɪʒn/ n.精准度,精确(性);
dilation /daɪˈleɪʃn/ n.胀大;
velocity /vəˈlɑːsəti/ n.速度;
gravitational /ˌɡrævɪˈteɪʃənl/ adj.万有引力定律的;作用力的;
interferometry/ɪntəfəˈrɒmɪtri/ n.干预测量(法);
take advantage of 运用;
quantum /ˈkwɑːntəm/ n.量子科技;
mechanics /məˈkænɪks/ n.结构力学;
light wave 光波;
represent as 把…描绘成…;
particle /ˈpɑːrtɪkl/ n.粒子;
wave packet 波包;
overlap /ˌoʊvərˈlæp/ vt.与…重合;与…与此同时产生;
interference /ˌɪntərˈfɪrəns/ n.干预;
split /splɪt/ vt.分离出来;使分离;
recombine /ˌriːkəmˈbaɪn/ vt.重新组合;再融合;
line up 排序;使排列成一行;
phase /feɪz/ n.途径;
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