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发布:2022-01-20 15:00 阅读:138



Ever since 1495 residents of Gojome, a town in northern Japan, have gathered for a morning market. On a recent weekday, along a street of closed shops with almost no people, elderly sellers lay out their autumnal wares: mushrooms and chestnuts, okra, aubergines and pears. It was not always so empty, sighs Ogawa Kosei, who runs a bookshop on the street. He points to pictures his father took that show the scene packed with shoppers.


The population of Gojome has shrunk by half since 1990. More than half its residents are over 65, making it one of the oldest towns in Akita, the oldest prefecture in Japan, which is in turn the world’s oldest country. Yet Gojome is less an outlier than a portent.


According to the UN, every country is experiencing growth in the size and proportion of its elderly population; by 2050 one in six people in the world will be over 65, up from one in eleven in 2019. The UN also projects that 55 countries, including China, will see their populations decline between now and 2050.


Demographic change has two drivers often lumped together: rising longevity and a falling birth rate. Their convergence demands “a new map of life”, says Akiyama Hiroko, founder of the University of Tokyo’s Institute of Gerontology. Infrastructure created when the population was younger and the demographic pyramid sturdier must be redesigned, from health care to housing to transport.


The new reality demands a “completely different way of thinking”, says Kashiwa Kazuyori, head of Gojome’s town-planning department. When he started work in the 1970s, the focus was on growth. Now it is about managing decline.

五城目地城市规划建设部门负责人柏和吉表明,新的实际必须一种“彻底不一样的思维模式”。 当他在上世纪70时代开始工作时,关键取决于提高。而如今的问题是怎么看待衰落。

Part of the challenge is that demographic change affects everyone differently. Two towns or regions may look similar from a distance, but have distinct historical, cultural and environmental conditions; two individuals may be the same age, make the same money and live on the same street, yet have different mental and physical health.


“We often miss the context,” says Kudo Shogo of Akita International University. He is one of scores of young outsiders who have been welcomed to Gojome, which was a trading hub at the crossroads of farm districts. Comparable farm-focused neighbours have been less open to incomers.


That makes designing national policy difficult. “There’s not a one-size-fits-all model,” says Iio Jun, a political scientist at GRIPS. While the national government is responsible for finance, including pensions, the new map of life is best drawn from the ground up. Many ideas come from listening to citizens, says Ms Akiyama. “They know what the issues are—and many times they know how to solve them.”


One issue is how ageing is discussed: as a problem or a burden. “Older people feel they’re not needed by society,” laments Hatakeyama Junko, the 70-year-old head of Akita Partnership, a non-profit that manages a community centre.


Longevity is not itself a problem—it should be celebrated. The problems arise when people live long but unhealthy, lonely, or dependent lives. The goal in Japan has shifted from increasing life expectancy to enhancing the “healthy, autonomous life expectancy”, says Ms Akiyama.


The other key is staying healthy, physically and mentally. Wiser municipalities focus on preventive care. At the Kadokawa Care Centre, a sleek facility in a former school in Toyama, north-west of Tokyo, septuagenarians, octogenarians and nonagenarians splash through a swimming pool and pump away at exercise machines.


“If not for this place, I’d be in a nursing home,” gushes Kyoda Taketoshi, an 82-year-old. The socialisation is no less important. “It cost a lot to build this place, but it was worth it,” says Saito Yoneaki, 80, before skipping off to join friends in the sauna.

82岁的京田武通对于此事赞叹不已:“要是没有这个地方,你以为就需要去敬老院了。”社交媒体一样关键。“建这个地方花了很多钱,可是很非常值得。” 80岁的齐藤优内基边说边急着和小伙伴们去汗蒸了。



portent [ˈpɔːrtent] n. 征兆;预兆;征兆

lament [ləˈment] n. 悲歌;悼文 v. 对……表明心寒;埋怨









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