It might be hard to find a former coal industry executive fighting for tough climate laws.The same holds true for former bosses in the alcohol and tobacco industries who regret making money off those vices and want to make amends. Not so in the gambling industry.
In recent weeks, three men who helped build the world’s biggest sports betting company have launched an unusual campaign. They are warning investors of “the risk of acute social harm” in supporting today’s more addictive forms of gambling.
Their personal remorse is being turned into public remedy.
All three businessmen, Stewart Kenny, Fintan Drury, and Ian Armitage, were instrumental in the rise of Paddy Power, an Irish bookmaker that is now part of Flutter Entertainment, a global operator. Their new organization, Stop Gambling Harm, comes out of moral misgivings over not foreseeing how online and mobile betting activities have come “at a great cost to the most vulnerable in society.”
肯尼(Stewart Kenny)、德鲁里(Fintan Drury)和阿米蒂奇(Ian Armitage)这三位生意人都对帕迪朗佐(Paddy Power)——帕迪鲍尔如今归属于全世界营运商弗利特娱乐传媒公司(Flutter Entertainment)——的兴起具有了关键功效。她们的新机构“终止赌博损害”(Stop Gambling Harm)是因为公德上的忧虑,由于它们没法预料线上和挪动搏彩活动会怎样“给社会发展上较敏感的人群产生较大的成本”。
“The internet was the explosion,” Mr. Kenny told RTÉ News. “In fairness to the industry, we didn’t realize how much it would take over people’s lives.”
肯尼接纳RTÉ News访谈时表明:“互联网技术是一个发生爆炸。公平公正地说,大家都没有意识到博彩业会操控我们的日常生活。”
The three believe society will soon turn on the industry, piling up class-action lawsuits as new technologies help lower the resistance and the barriers for those with addictive behaviors. In the coming year, they hope to convince investors in Ireland and the United Kingdom that the industry must get ahead of society, taking less profit by instituting such reforms as mandatory spending limits for those under 25 years old.
They are targeting investors because they have learned from the inside that both industry executives and government find it all too attractive to maximize revenue from gambling, either in profits or in taxes. “You could argue the government is as addicted to tax revenue as the unfortunate gambling addicts are to online slots,” Mr. Kenny told the Racing Post.
她们把总体目标定位在投资人的身上,是由于她们从內部掌握到,博彩业管理人员和政府部门都觉得,比较大程度地提升搏彩收益(不论是盈利或是税款)太有诱惑力了。肯尼接纳《赛马日报》(Racing Post)访谈时表明:“你能说,政府部门对税务的成瘾水平,和这些悲剧的赌博成瘾症对线上水果机的成瘾水平一样。”
A rise in gambling addiction – especially during the isolation of COVID-19 – could overload mental health services, Mr. Kenny warns. Now a therapist, he says many people who have suffered from gambling addiction encouraged him to speak out.
“The industry of which I was part for decades has for far too long hoped for a ‘magic wand’ solution that would curb gambling addiction without affecting profits,” he wrote in the Daily Mail.
他在《每日邮报》(Daily Mail)上写到:“这一我工作中了几十年的领域一直以来一直期待能找出一个‘法杖’式的解决方法,既能抵制赌博成瘾,又不危害盈利。”
It is worth noting that the three businessmen relied on talent, hard work, and teamwork for success in their profession. They now want to help those who fall for the false promise of luck as a force in life. A study last year by the University of Oxford found a half-million people in the U.K. spend 40% of their disposable income on gambling.
特别注意的是,这三位生意人借助才能、努力和团队协作在许多人的岗位中获得成功。她们如今要想协助这些坚信运气是生活中的一种能量这一虚报服务承诺的人。剑桥大学(University of Oxford)上年的一项研究发现,法国有50数万人将人均收入的40%用以赌博。
Simply nudging the industry toward more reforms that help problem gamblers, however, may not be enough. The pervasive concept of chance must be addressed.
In a 2020 book, “The Myth of Luck,” philosopher Steven D. Hales of Bloomsburg University in Pennsylvania writes: “We cannot master luck because there is literally nothing to defeat. We will see that luck is no more than a persistent and troubling illusion.
密苏里州布鲁姆斯堡高校(Bloomsburg University in Pennsylvania)的思想家黑尔斯(Steven D. Hales)在2020年的一本书《运气的神话传说》(The Myth of Luck)中写到:“我们无法把握运气,由于实际上没什么可以击败的。大家将见到,运气只不过一种不断的、令人深思的错觉。”
“Cleaning our mental house of dusty old concepts that we’re hanging onto because we keep hoping that they will one day be useful – that is liberating. To give up luck is to regain our own agency in the world.”
1.acute: adj. 比较严重的,风险的;亚急性的,强烈的;灵巧的;灵敏的,有判断力的;钝角的;带尖音乐符号的;(响声)高的,尖的
2.addict: n. (尤指冰毒)成瘾者,吸毒者;对……痴迷的人 v. 使成瘾,使迷恋
3.amend: v. 改动,修定;改正,纠正;改进(土壤层)的构造(或肥效);修补;悔过自新 【名】 (amend)(英、德)阿门德(人名)
4.barrier: n. 阻碍,堡垒;阻碍物,副本;交界线,天然屏障;价位,界线 【名】 (barrier)(法)巴里耶(人名)
5.bet: v. 打赌,赌钱;敢肯定 n. 押注;赌金;预估,猜测;有可能取得成功的候选人(或待选行動) abbr. 在……中间(between) 【名】 (bet)(美)奥斯(人名)
6.curb: v. 操纵,抑止;紧勒(马) n. 操纵,抑止;路缘,道牙子;(马的跗骨关节后侧因扭到肌腱造成的)硬瘤
7.executive: adj. 行政部门的,有执行权的;高端的,奢华的;供管理人员应用的;(相关)运营管理的,领导干部的 n. 负责人,主管;行政机关,实行联合会
8.explosion: n. 工程爆破,发生爆炸(声);猛增;暴发,爆发;突发性的轰鸣;某件事确认是失误的,打倒
9.gamble: v. 探险假定;赌钱;探险,投机性 n. 探险,赌钱 【名】 (gamble)(美)甘布勒(人名)
10.global: adj. 全世界的,全球的;全方位的,总体的;(电子计算机)全局性的;球型的
11.illusion: n. 假象,错觉;想象,不正确的意识
12.instrumental: adj. 有幫助的,起功效的;用乐器演奏的;与传统乐器相关的;与(事情)的工具效应相关的;与仪器设备或精确测量器材相关的;(英语的语法)工具格的 n. 器乐曲(通常指非古典乐曲);工具格专有名词,工具格
13.launch: v. 启动,进行;发售,发行;使(船或舰)厨房下水管;发送(武器装备或太空飞船);运行(计算机语言);投出,用劲扔出;使投身(工作等);起降,开船 n. (航天飞机的)发送;(商品的)发售;(事情的)进行;汽艇,游船;(新品,出版发行)新品发布会,交流会
14.literally: adv. 依照字面上实际意义地,逐句地;真真正正地,的确地;(用以浮夸地注重)真是
15.lower: adj. (尤指在类似中处在)较下的,下边的;在底端的,近底部的;次关键的,较低等的;(数据或总数)较小的;往南的;初期的 v. 降低,减少;把……调低,使……下降;减少,抵毁(真实身份);变灰暗,变阴郁;露愠色 adv. 处在较低部位地,向低处降低地 【名】 (lower)(美、英)洛厄(人名)
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